Ibis Styles George Square

Fun. Bright. Dynamic.
Ibis Styles
We have breathed life into a redundant Edwardian office building located an Irn Bru bottle’s throw from the river Clyde, refurbishing it to house a 96-bedroom ibis Styles hotel.
The concept design centres on the city of Glasgow, its industry and its people, and the famously irreverent Glaswegian humour, with bright and quirky imagery.
“I became a welder. I was meant to be an engineer, but I joined the wrong queue...” Billy Connelly
A simple, modern design is personalised through the inclusion of industrial cranes, Wellington’s statue (complete with traffic cone), Billy Connely’s Big Banana Feet and of course, a respectful nod to Glasgow’s beloved son, Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
We believe that the design will create a fun, dynamic, modern hotel experience unique to Glasgow and among the ibis Styles brand, which will set it apart from other hotels in the city.